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Roth Ira Update

May 25th, 2008 at 12:50 am

My 2008 is now fully funded to take advantage of this down market. My new allocation is as follows.

Large Cap - 21%
Mid/Small Cap - 35%
Fixed Income - 10%
International - 34%

So far so good.

The end of this month, my Lowes will be completely paid and my next target attack is AMEX...

Roth Ira 2k8

April 29th, 2008 at 04:43 pm

My first year with an IRA and i am pushing on all cylinders...

2007, Fully Funded $4000
2008, 65% at $3241

I have diversified my portfolio more. thanks to some advice from SA readers.

U.S. Stocks 29.82%
International Stocks 38.80%
Fixed Income 26.93%
Cash 3.85%
Other 0.61%
Not Classified 0.00%

Type Mine SP500
High Yield 2.64% 9.51%
Distressed 0.60% 0.58%
Hard Assets 16.58% 14.00%
Cyclical 17.94% 18.80%
Slow Growth 7.36% 8.10%
Classic Growth 32.91% 32.69%
Aggressive Growth 15.11% 14.11%
Speculative Growth 6.80% 2.17%
Not Classified 0.07% 0.04%

Fully Funded 2k7 IRA

April 15th, 2008 at 03:37 pm

God is good.

I was able to fully fund my 2k7 IRA with 4k. I am now working on a goal for the 2k8 for 5k

My portfolio breakdown as follows.

U.S. Stocks 0.12%
International Stocks 87.62%
Fixed Income 11.72%
Cash 0.47%
Other 0.06%
Not Classified 0.00%

Regional Breakdown
U.S. & Canada 0.13%
Europe 1.85%
Japan 0.00%
Latin America 55.00%
Asia & Australia 34.75%
Other 8.27%

My Style
80% large caps intl
20% mid caps intl

IRA Contrib 2007

March 24th, 2008 at 11:46 pm

I was able to fund my IRA $2k today for 2007. hopefully next year i can do $4k.

Investing very heavily in Emerging Markets.